
Alpha Site Up!

Update 2020 has been insane!  I cannot believe it's been almost a year since we started this project.  Finally, the alpha site is available!  Over the next few weeks, the site might be down momentarily due to some updates we are pushing out.  Remember the site is in alpha (meaning it doesn't have all features and some might appear then disappear - for now). DocCIS My plan is to upload a new DocCIS story weekly till they are all uploaded (early 2021) then next year (sometime in 2021) try and get his hard drive and then post anything on there as well.  Phil Phantom My plan is to upload a new story for Phil every week for the next few years LOL New Authors We have some fantastic authors planning to join the site in the next few months! Also if you are an author feel free to send me an email or click the request invite on the site. Site After a lot of back and forth, the new site's name is lunaXs! Twitter for the site @unaXs3

Release outline ... PLEASE HELP

  Site Release Outline * Alpha Site (Nov 2020) 4-8 of DocCIS popular books/stories keep uploading DocCIS works  founding authors currently have several “founding” authors already on board accepting new “founding” authors (invite/apply only) keep working on author accounts keep working on tipping keep working on subscriptions and items other things (like: keep working on compression, and uploads, fix bugs, etc)  Beta Site (Dec 2020 - Feb 2021 ish) Reader signups  Editor accounts many small things (like days for subscriptions, crypto/CC, fix any bugs,  etc)  end “Founding” author sign up add blog features add follow like etc Site (sometime first quarter 2021) add profiles fix all bugs get DocCIS hard drive and upload all the rest of his works add read support add physical keys etc  Site is done all features available * This list is just a basic outline (there are literally hundreds of minor things to fix add) time frames subject to change due to life etc...

Site update! Coming Soon.

     Finally chose a name for the site! As of right now, there is just a landing page. working on some minor things before uploading the "alpha" site. Will probably be uploading the first "alpha" site in a week or two.       Also been talking with several authors who will be joining around the launch of the site! Watch for updates! If you are an author or know an author who would like to join this exciting project; get in touch with me.  I will be posting a longer post with "site stages" and more information soon.  

Please help (Site Name?)

 August update. The site is coming along and might be ready for beta release in the next few weeks!  But I need your help. I haven't been able to think of a name for the site. IDEAS? Send me ideas for names. thanks Min


Had a few setbacks (LIFE, COVID, ETC)  Back to working on the site.  Please send any stories etc you have from DocCIS

Site UPDATE!!!

Getting much closer to having the site done! If you have any works from DocCIS please share them with me so we can add them to the site. I will be making a list of works I have soon.  UPDATE: so the beta site is almost ready to go, I will start working on getting Doc's stories together and formated, next.


Figured I'd post an update.  The site is startiing to come together nicely.  Been working with my business partner to get the backend of the site working should have more updates soon.  Min